Causes and Remedies of Neck pain

Causes and Remedies of Neck pain

If you are suffering with severe and regular neck pain then make a call to a best neck pain doctor. Neck pain is a most common problem because it is m

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If you are suffering with severe and regular neck pain then make a call to a best neck pain doctor. Neck pain is a most common problem because it is mostly aroused due to wrong sitting posture. Working long time with bend neck on work bench or leaning over your computer is a major cause of this neck pain. Students and working professionals are the most common sufferers of this trouble. Pain around the neck can take place due to number of reasons like neck strain, injury, degenerative disc disease and so on. It can be aroused due to some infections as well, including virus infection of the throat, tuberculosis, and meningitis.

Anatomy of Neck:

Neck pain is also called as a cervical pain because neck is referred as cervical spine. This cervical spine is made up of vertebrae that cover skull and upper torso. Neck includes bones, ligaments and muscles that help in the movement of neck and support head as well.

Causes and treatment of Neck pain:

Neck pain is generally not a serious issue but in some cases it needs proper treatment. When you are experiencing continuous severe pain in your neck then you should seek medical help. Here we have listed some common causes of Neck pain:

  • Activities like wrong posture, bad sleeping position, jerking the neck, working long at a bench.
  • Any injury due to accidents.
  • Diseases like arthritis, osteoporosis and fibromyalgia
  • Congenital abnormalities, including infections

These are the common causes of neck pain. Though neck pain can be relieved in some weeks but never ignore severe and prolonged pain.

Home remedies to cure Neck Pain:

Follow these simple steps to get rid of the minor neck pain or stiffness:

  • Firstly apply ice and then apply heat. This cooling and heating therapy work effectively for sure. Don’t apply ice or heat directly. You can use pads or bags.
  • Take painkillers like acetaminophen, ibuprofen or anything else but first ask with any expert doctor.
  • Do some neck exercises regularly.
  • Massage your neck with any painkiller oil or ointment.

These are the common home remedies to get relief from minor neck pain but if you still experience neck pain for the long time, say two three weeks or you feel severe neck pain without knowing any apparent cause then consult with your doctor immediately. Search for the best neck pain doctor in Woodbridge to get best treatment of your trouble.