Sleep apnea – the reasons and cure

Sleep apnea – the reasons and cure

According to sleep apnea doctor, sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder that causes disturbance while sleeping. It is a common disorder, mainly characteri

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According to sleep apnea doctor, sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder that causes disturbance while sleeping. It is a common disorder, mainly characterized by one or more pauses in breathing while sleeping. The pauses may last from a few seconds to 30 minutes or may also extend to a period of one hour. The normal breathing starts automatically at the end of this period. The breathing may restart with a loud noise or a jerk. This often moves a person out of his/her deep sleep. Let us take a look on the symptoms:

The symptoms of sleep apnea

  • Pausing of breathe while sleeping.
  • Episodes of breaking of sleep, often witnessed by other persons.
  • Abrupt awakenings experienced by the sufferer.
  • Waking up with a dry mouth.
  • Experiencing scaling of throat after waking up from sleep.
  • Experiencing headache in the morning.
  • Experiencing insomnia.
  • Facing problems in concentrating.
  • Facing irritation.

Cures of sleep apnea:

The first step should be the realization of the fact that one is suffering from the disease of sleep apnea. Visit a doctor or rush for a professional help as soon as you realize you have the above mentioned symptoms. Let us now find out the various ways in which this disease is curable.

  1. Using of CPAP: Continuous Positive Air Pressure or CPAP machines may be advised by the doctor. It regularizes the air pressure in the throat, thus helping in proper breathing process. Doctors may call you in the sleep center to have a proper observation of your type of sleep apnea.
  2. Reduction of weight: Sleep apnea doctors often would instruct the patients to lose some weight. Having an over weighted body may often lead to sleep apnea
  3. Surgery: Alike the above methods, surgery are a painful and can be a complicated as well. It involves the culling out of the soft tissue that is blocking the pharynx air passage.

Let us now focus on few home remedies, which may help you in curbing sleep apnea.

  • Reducing the intake of alcohol and reduction in smoking.
  • Practice of exercising on a daily basis.
  • Sleeping regularly on time.
  • Gargling with salt water.

About 90% of the people suffer from sleep apnea. It is important to recognize the symptoms and seeking professional help as soon as possible. Doctors may keep you in sleep center Bethesda for proper observation, through which you can recover from the disease.