Home Addition Basics You Must Know To Survive

Home Addition Basics You Must Know To Survive

When family size increases and the house space becomes inadequate to cater all family members, contacting a home addition builder is one option that e

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When family size increases and the house space becomes inadequate to cater all family members, contacting a home addition builder is one option that everyone looks forward to. Home addition can be of any size and in any direction like up, down, outwards or any other direction. There are few things you must know about this home addition before you start searching up architects and house addition companies.

Addition Cost Rough Estimate

Yes its true every desire that you wish to fulfill in this world has a monetary cost attached to it, like if you want to go parasailing it will cost you a few dollars, if you want to eat a hamburger even that will cost money, if you wish to buy a new dress even that will cost you money. So, Just like every other thing in the world, even expanding your house requires money and let me tell you it’s not a small amount but it’s a big fat amount that is required to serve this purpose. It’s estimated that any type of home addition at least costs $36,238.

Don’t forget this is the minimum quote, the exact quote or approximate depends on what room are you adding like are you adding a kitchen, bathroom or your baby’s room. plus it also depends on what room size are you adding like the greater the size the more tiles, ceiling, paint and all material will be required.

If you are planning to add up a kitchen or toilet then that will require new water lines to be laid and so will require some real digging plus plumbing. Let me tell you that this my friend will be an expensive affair so brace up and start saving.

However if you are looking forward to add a bedroom or any other room then new wiring will have to be added to the panel to give current to the lights, fans and other fixtures in this new room. For this you will have to call an electrician and he might charge you a good sum of money because of the hourly rate paid to him.

The above mentioned costs are a few prominent costs of adding extra space, there however are many more hidden costs attached, which are; building permit cost, surprise fee, contractor costs and etc.

Ways You Can Reduce This Cost

Trust me hiring the lowest priced contractor doesn’t mean you have reduced the cost of home addition or you have signed an amazing deal. This might be one wrong choice that you have made because there’s always a reason why one home addition builder is charging very low whereas others are charging almost the same. The reason could be lack of expertise or cheap and low quality non-durable material used. So be sure that you do a proper research before selecting your builder and also search up the hardware prices so that you can negotiate with the builder. There are other ways to save money on home addition. You can check them out.

Benefits of an Addition

Some people believe that home additions ruin the structure and external look of the house. However they are not really aware of the numerous benefits they bring in like did you know that as you add volume to your house, its market value rises. Plus you can always earn extra by renting out this addition. Moreover, this house addition option is always cheaper than moving to a completely new house that has more space. One more thing, with added space and remodeled rooms and bathrooms, you can also add luxury to your house like if you always wanted a huge bathroom with a royal bathtub and Jacuzzi and a spacious wardrobe then with this added space you can live up to your dream.

Different Addition Plans

There are many ways in which you can add space like:

  1. Downward: This can be by adding a basement maybe? This will create a lot of mess and digging and will be expensive.
  2. Upward: By adding another floor like maybe a second story. It’s true that this might change the look of your house and would make it look odd. However if you plan it carefully then maybe it wouldn’t look bad at all.
  3. Backward: Adding space at the back of your house like expanding near your backyard is always the best option to go with as suggested by most of the home addition companies DC because they don’t spoil the look of your house.