Five days diet for weight loss

Five days diet for weight loss

In this article I am going to discuss about a new fat loss diet which is very popular among obese persons.  This is a rapid weight loss diet aimed at

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In this article I am going to discuss about a new fat loss diet which is very popular among obese persons.  This is a rapid weight loss diet aimed at fast and safe weight reduction. This plan was invented by a person who is considered as one of the top 50 personal trainers of America.

Now let us see how the plan works? The plan consists of a five day cycle which has to be repeated five times. So this is a 25 day rapid weight loss diet plan. You have different diets for each day of the first cycle.

First day – Leptin day

As per this diet for weight loss the first day is considered as the cheat day where you can eat anything that you crave for. This helps the candidate to satisfy the needs of the satiety hormone leptin. According to some scientist eating your favorite food will increase the formation of leptin thereby increasing the metabolism and rate of conversion of the stored fat. The inventor of this special diet plan also suggests the candidate to do density style exercise that is good for building toned muscles.

Second day – Shake day

On the second day knowledge is provided about a lot of useful shakes and the candidate is advised to consume certain kinds of shakes.  Some intensive exercises have been detailed for this day. The shakes and exercises together burn sufficient calories and develop toned muscles.

Third day – Fast day

As the name of the day implies, this day is not really meant for fasting as per the diet plan.  This day the candidate will be having high level of leptin as the first day he has eaten everything he craved for. So this day is intended to be a day of less calorie consumption. This allows to burn fat in a faster manner as per the diet planner. This day the candidate has to do lactic acid exercises which are intended to cut off the excess fat.

Fourth day – moderate carbohydrates

On the fourth day of the special fat loss diet, the diet inventor has provided special exercises intended for improving your metabolic process. This helps the candidate to burn fat fast even while he is sleeping. The diet plan encourages consuming moderate calories by eating food which consist 30 % fats, 30 % protein and 40 % carbohydrates.

Fifth day – depletion day

The diet designer emphasizes that lactic acid training will burn more calories and he shows a program of low calorie package that contains more of vitamins and nutrients.