The most common type of dislocations found in human body is shoulder dislocations. About 25% of the people who face dislocations have fractures. These

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The most common type of dislocations found in human body is shoulder dislocations. About 25% of the people who face dislocations have fractures. These people are initially treated with closed reduction treatment. At times medication will also be required so that it helps in relaxing the muscles which surround the shoulder. When a person have faced this bone dislocation, it is important to immobilize that hand with a sling so that the risk of again dislocation will be reduced.


Joint can be dislocated for any reason

If the dislocation is for the first time, then external immobilization is done, but if the dislocation reoccurred, then they use sling for immobilizing. The immobilization will vary from person to person and their recovery. This joint is the most moveable joint as it allows a person to move his arm in different directions. This makes the joint unstable and therefore joint experiences dislocation many times. The joint dislocation in young people may be caused due to different sports activities. In elder people it is because of weakening of their ligaments which support the joint. But when some external force is applied only this joint is dislocated.


Medical examination to check nerve damage

When a person visits a doctor with a dislocated joint, the doctor first looks for controlling the pain and locating the joint. Then as they are medically aware of what to do, they look and study the history and try to figure out the injury and its circumstances. They find out if that is the first dislocation or they are injured previously on the same joint. They check the medical histories and allergies of the person. Then the joint is examined physically. Generally, dislocations are associated with pain and muscle sprains. The disrupted joint and the surrounded muscle will experience sprain. The patient can only make small movements and will not be able to move the arm totally. The doctor understands well about the pluses and the flow of blood while a normal person cannot. The sensation is tested by the doctor around the deltoid badge area. If there is numbness, then the nerves might be damaged.

Then the doctor will first recommend for X ray so that they can confirm the dislocation and to look if there are any broken bones. Shoulder dislocation doctors woodbridge are experts in finding the dislocation and will come up with quick healing treatments. So, contact them if you feel severe pain on your shoulders.